江苏艾伦特科技有限公司旗下的盛鼎广告制品厂座落于风景秀丽的历史文化名城、西楚霸项羽的故乡——江苏宿迁市宿豫开发区,是江苏省内规模的城市家具生产企业之一; 专业研发、生产公交候车亭、阅报栏、广告垃圾箱、社区灯箱、滚动系统、不锈钢垃圾桶、环保垃圾桶、塑料垃圾桶、酒店垃圾桶、户外垃圾等等。 自公司创建以来,我们始终遵循“科技创新争先、质量以优取胜,往来以信为本”的发展宗旨!我们愿竭诚为广大客户提供优质产 品和优良服务,欢迎各界新老朋友洽谈合作,共图发展。我公司是一家专业设计,生产户外休闲用品的企业。工厂座落在光明新区公明街道办,厂房占地面积8000多平米。工厂设施完善,生产设备俱全。是行业早成立的厂家之一。 严格的科学管理,先进精湛的生产技术,完善周到的售后服务,得到国内外的用户一致好评。热忱欢迎国内外朋友来人、来电、来样、来图、洽谈。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "广告牌;宣传栏" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 宿迁市宿豫区宿豫开发区太行山路56号.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 卢长青
  • 18262850888
  • 0527-88068622
  • 0527-88068622
  • 223800
  • 宿迁市宿豫区宿豫开发区太行山路56号